Book discussions (2025):
All CNY Reads events are free and open to the public. Many of our book discussions are hosted by public libraries. One need not be a patron of the host library to register and participate in its book discussion.
It is beneficial to read the book before attending a discussion but it is not required that you do so. The new seasons selection will be available from the Onondaga County Public Library in a variety of formats, including audiobooks and downloadable ebooks. If you are not registered to check out ebooks, do so at onlib.org. Call the library if you have any questions or issues pertaining to checking out a book.
• Thursday, March 13, 6:30, City libraries Zoom discussion (hosted by Petit Branch)
Zoom link for book discussion:
• Monday, March 24, 6:30, County libraries Zoom discussion (hosted by Liverpool Library).
Registration required on Liverpool Library website: lpl.org
Zoom link for book discussion:
• Tuesday, March 25, 2:00 -- 3:00pm, Oasis discussion on-line.
Registration required. Oasis Registration link:
(All events are free. For Zoom links (if not noted above), please call the host library)